Meet the Team
Learn more about the teams, individuals, and athletes using their RAZE Strength gear to raise their game
Ben Gilmore
Insta Name
Favourite exercise
Air Bike or Wall Balls
Favourite Raze Equipment
Renegade Air Bike
Training Philosophy
Keep it varied, keep it fun and do it with people that make you feel good.
Ashley Pechey
Insta Name
Favourite exercise
For me any strength element but if I had to choose it would be squatting, love big legs big bum
Favourite Raze Equipment
The PWR Stones, a great piece of equipment that can make or break a team, you get the technique wrong or it slips out your arms that lots of time wasted. That could put you from 1st to fourth position in no time.
Training Philosophy
Little is more. Due to the recent pandemic and other things, I have had to change the way I train. I used to slightly over train, minimum twice a day 5/6 days a week. But due to the recent situation I have only been training once a day for up to 2hrs over a lunch period. During this time, I have managed to get more sleep and well rested. I have even got many PBs and feel so much better in myself.
Richard Whitley
Insta Name
Favourite exercise
Favourite Equipment
Renegade Air Bike
Training Raze Philosophy
Following personal program by the main Man Mike Catris under The Athlete Program.
Currently training x2- 6 days a week one of the days Active recovery This looks like cardio/ stability in the morning anything from 60/90m. Second session where the funs at 120min We hit strength followed by skill work with some HIT.
Osman Muskwe
Insta Name
Favourite exercise
Favourite Raze Equipment
Raze Renegade Air Rower
Training Philosophy
I use the Athlete Program for all my training, training 5 times a week and taking my well-deserved rest days on a Thursday and Sunday. I prefer to train twice a day if time permits because I get more time to work on my weakness, do a good long warm-up and a solid stretching session.