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Revvll Rope Trainer Pro

Revvll Rope Trainer Pro

SKU: 230479-2


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Rope Trainer Pro

The Revvll Rope Trainer Pro is an alternative to stand-alone and expensive rope training simulation machines – yet offers more versatility and fun!

  • Substantial exercise variety
  • Quick Adjustability – Variable Resistance
  • Mobility – Mount the Revvll high to low and virtually anywhere
  • Commercial Grade – Quality Construction
  • No rope fraying or gloves required!

The Revvll Rope Trainer Pro is great for beginning or advanced use within all facility types. Ideal for functional training areas, personal trainers, circuit integration and group classes.


It was an Olympic sport once, now you probably only know it from movies: rope climbing. Even though the surge of CrossFit has reinvigorated some of its former meaning, rope climbing is rareley seen in today’s training world. This has several reasons but it is a real shame because rope climbing is such a great exercise.


The advantages of rope climbing

Rope climbing not only challenges your back muscles but also your shoulders, arms, and grip strength. Since you are working with your full bodyweight you need to invest a great amount of strength over a relatively long period of time which is great for cardio. Add to all of this the coordinative aspect of the movements. In contrast to pull-ups, a rope doesn’t give you a steady, even contact area so the neuromuscular requirements are much higher. So in short: rope climbing is a prime example of functional training.


Where rope climbing falls short

The reasons why rope climbing isn’t found often in gyms these days stem from the nature of the exercise itself. Only a few gyms use great halls where the ceiling is high enough to allow for reasonable rope training with climbing ropes. Additionally, there are safety concerns for the gym owners. And even if there is a possibility to train with climbing ropes only a few would know how to start with this demanding exercise. Beginners, injured or disabled athletes will have a very hard time if they can do it at all.

Endless rope training on another level

There are rope climbing machines that allow the trainee to simulate rope climbing. However, these machines are big and heavy. The revvll rope trainer pro was created to allow rope climbing everywhere and for every trainee. A positive side effect of the lightweight is the fact that the revvll offers significantly more exercises.

With classic rope climbing you pull the rope towards your body, with the revvll rope resistance training, however, you can move the rope in various ways against a certain resistance: pulling, pushing, and rotating movements in different angles are possible. You don’t sit on a rope climbing machine or are clinging to a rope – you can choose your own position freely. Thus, revvll rope trainers give you an overall upper body training with adjustable resistance. All you need to do is change your own position towards the training tool or the mounting height of the revvll.


Workout programming with different resistances

The adjustable resistance is a central element of the revvll rope trainer pro in order to allow rope climbing for every trainee, whether they are rehab patients or professional athletes. At the same time, the adjustable resistance is an important part of training programming. If you prefer strength training you choose a higher resistance, if endurance is your main goal the lighter resistances will be your choice.


More safety

The revvll rope trainer pro not only solves the space problem of classic rope climbing. The training is also significantly safer and the non-allergenic endless rope is easier to clean than hemp or nylon ropes.


Additional information

Weight 30 kg


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